Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Post

Thoughts from Lavender Lane was created as a place to share ideals!  Ideals about home, self and making the most out of life.    
Each post will be as random as the thoughts that stream through my head - Spring is one of the first things to come to mind.  Every day, here in the Upper South, the sun grows brighter and the soil warmer.  Already signs of life are starting to peak through in the gardens.  

Patience as I learn how to bring this blog to life.



  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging Renè! To answer your question, yes...I like color!...pastels just aren't me. Hurry and get your dishes together so you can join TT at BNOTP each week! I look forward to seeing your first table...

  2. Hi! I just stumbled across your brand new blog! Welcome, welcome! Yes, please do create a tablescape for all of us to enjoy.

    I hope you'll stop by and see me too. :)

